Future Format
Identity system
A visual system to represent collaboration, techniques, materials and technologies

Mission and approach
Panagiotopoulos printing house has been active in the field of graphic arts since 1980. Forty years of experience, expertise, artistic sensitivity and technological innovations constituted a challenge for what would be the new brand name and visual identity of such a company. The new name along with the already acknowledged values of the company, were the core of the logo’s redesign: We chose to incorporate the name Panagiotopoulos to the brand identity in an attempt to unify past and future, tradition and innovation but also to a conceptual similarity with the company’s new name (Future Format).
For the design process we used the dot (.) as a key structural element and a symbolic representation of the circle. By incorporating the concept of scale, we created multiple pairs of the Future Format initials (FF) one of which was chosen as the basic logo form. These circles, used as elemental structural units, form the final shape -in this case the letter F- by creating a system that represents Future Format’s identity in a visual sequence.
Typography: Four Point type system